Friday, April 26, 2024

Puppy Proofing Your Home

PUPPIES!! Puppies are curious creatures with a lot energy. They cute, fun and tiring! Below, I have composed a couple of lists on how to "puppy proof" before you bring home your little fur ball of energy. I have divided the lists into indoor (orange) and outdoor (green) safety:

It seems like A LOT, right? But, there is more.... on to the outdoor safety...

In addition, make sure you do a thorough "walk around" your yard to make sure there are no hazards like broken glass, exposed nails and sharp objects to injure your puppy. Once these lists are completed, you can have peace of mind, but always remain alert and observant with your puppy.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Caring For Giant Dog Breeds

Giant dog breeds are any dog that will eventually weigh 100 + pounds. Though giant dogs are majestic to look at, they do require special care in order to ensure they live a relatively long, healthy life. If you noticed I used the word "relatively" in the last sentence, it's because in comparison to a regular sized dog, giant dogs have a shorter life span-- 6 to 10 years in comparison to the average 12 to 15 years of a "regular" dog. If you are considering adopting a giant dog, here are the "ins and outs" of care:

  • Typically, giant dogs are very gentle, affectionate and loyal. They make great family pets. BUT, they must, must, must be trained and socialized starting at puppyhood. Otherwise, your gentle giant could end up a bulldozer which equals injuries for all living creatures in the vicinity. The good thing is that gentle giants are generally very trainable. Once they get older, their energy level decreases and they don't require as much exercise as a regular sized dog.
  • Be prepared for COST. Giant dogs cost more money-- giant beds, giant toys that are tough, more food. More dog means more of everything. 
  • Dog food-- a giant dog needs food specifically for giant dog breeds. It's best to work with your veterinarian on a diet for your individual dog. This is especially important when your giant is a puppy and growing, growing, growing.... which brings me to the next thing...
  • Caring for your puppy--- you will need to work with your veterinarian to make sure you puppy isn't growing too fast. This can wreak havoc on your puppy's joints. Giant breeds are more prone to orthopedic problems... which also brings me to...
  • weight control-- To avoid orthopedic/ arthritic issues in your giant dog's giant joints, you need to keep your dog's weight in check. More weight equals more stress on those delicate joints. A dog food that is specific to your giant breed, along with scheduled feeding times and adequate exercise should help keep your dog's joints healthy. Puppies require three meals per day to keep up with their growing rate.
  • Living quarters-- a giant dog needs space with plenty of tail wagging room. Be prepared for things to get knocked over and broken. This is especially true for puppies. Puppies of giant breeds are generally very clumsy and don't reach their full weight and height until 2-4 yrs of age. Be prepared to be constantly cleaning up after your gentle giant. Drool might be on the ceiling and mealtime will be messy. In addition, be prepared to clean up after yourself-- all food should be off of counters (which will be right at head height for your dog). All garbage cans should be placed on top of the fridge when you are not at home. 
  • Last but not least, Vet visits-- Your giant should go to the vet once to twice a year. Vet visits will be more frequent during puppy years when their growth needs to be monitored and during senior years (around 6 yrs of age) to ensure medical issues do not get out of control. 
With all that said, adopting a gentle giant is full of comedy, happiness and love. With the right preparation and knowledge of what you are getting yourself into, you will not regret your decision. 💗

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Canine Ear Health

Ear problems are probably one of the top reasons dog owners visit the vet. A dog's ears should be regularly monitored in order to keep them healthy and infections at bay. Once an infection starts, it can become time-consuming for the owner and agony for the dog. Often, a two-prong attack is what is needed to find out what is causing a dog's ears to become infected and to provide relief. The owner needs to 1. consult a veterinarian for medication that will provide immediate relief and 2. Examine what environmental factors are causing the dog's ears to become irritated. It is important to stay on top of your dog's ear health. Prolonged ear infection can cause permanent damage to you furry family member's hearing.

A veterinarian's medication will provide immediate relief for your dog's ears, but if the environmental factors that are causing the problem are not fixed, ear infections will become chronic. Often, an ear infection is caused by a dietary allergy. Bacteria and yeast are naturally present in your dog's gut, but can get out of whack from excess amounts of grain and sugar. Another factor that can cause excessive bacteria and yeast is moisture. If your dog is a swimmer, it is important to dry out your dog's ears after swimming. Also, check your dog's ears for grass seeds after hiking. These little babies can get lodged into the ear causing your dog A LOT of pain. Sometimes, surgical removal is required. Often your veterinarian might suggest using an oil to soften the lodged seed. But this should only be done if recommended by your vet.

If your dog is showing signs of an ear infection, it is important to take your dog to the vet for a diagnosis of what is causing the infection. If an antibiotic is prescribed, it might be beneficial to supplement your dog's diet with a probiotic to keep your dog's gut in balance. Healthy ears will not require frequent cleaning. In fact, over cleaning your dog's ears can cause infections as well! If you need to clean your dog's ears, please make sure you only clean the visible part of the ear. Like humans, it is not a good idea to stick a q-tip or anything else inside the ear. This could cause damage or blockage.

There are many good ear cleaners on the market, but you can also make your own ear cleaner at home with consultation from a vet. I have pinned a few examples here. Frequent monitoring of your dog's ears will keep those ears floppy as well as perking up in all directions!