The Importance of Laying Down Turf Correctly in Doggy Daycares
With the increased risk of upper respiratory infection during cold and flu season, I have decided talk about what we do to try and keep our facility as clean as possible. One of the most important things we do is shovel all snow off the yards. We never let snow sit very long. The staff gets here at 6am and if the yard is not green, then they are out there before we open shoveling. Why? As pretty as snow is, it is not good for it to sit in a yard full of dogs. The turf we have was installed professionally with a drainage system underneath. When snow sits on the surface for a long period of time, this taxes the drainage system and causes a higher risk of bacteria. Snow also can cause the dogs to slip while running which increases chance of injury. Last, but one of the most important reasons, it makes it impossible to disinfect. The only yard we do not shovel is our biggest yard and that is because it does not get the traffic the other yards do. We only use that yard for a...