
Showing posts from 2023

Cold and Flu Season for Canines

Do you ever have days where you feel like this? You just don't want to get out of bed. You feel tired, lethargic and you're thinking you might be coming down with a cold or flu. It happens to all of us... unless you live in a bubble. It also happens to dogs. Canine Influenza is a virus that is transmitted from dog to dog. Humans cannot become infected. Symptoms are similar to human flu: coughing, sneezing, runny nose and fatigue. Sometimes dogs can be asymptomatic (they carry the virus, but show no symptoms). If you suspect your dog is under the weather, please take them to the vet. Although, canine flu is rarely serious, it can become serious if not treated properly: high temperature, difficulty breathing, pneumonia and/or bleeding in the lungs. Plus, you will want to rule out any other medical issues that are not the flu. Once your dog has officially been diagnosed with the flu, your vet will decide the appropriate treatment: rest, lost of fluids, maybe

Choosing a Shelter Dog

You have decided to adopt a shelter dog--- Congratulations! You have chosen to save a life and provide a second chance for a dog that has had a bad turn in life. There are certain things you must do before you adopt and things you will need to do once your dog is part of your family. Before You Adopt:  First and foremost-- decide how many dogs you want, because you will want them all when you walk into that shelter. Stick to that number.  Decide what kind of dog you want. Do you want a small dog or a big dog? And active dog or a laid back dog? An adult dog or puppy? You will want to try to find a dog that fits your lifestyle. Stick to the plan. If you are planning on getting a small dog, don't come home with a Great Dane.  Research, research, research-- Do you know what you will be feeding your dog? How much exercise your dog will need? What things are essentials for getting a dog (bed, bowls, leash, crate, ect...)? What vet are you going to use? What do you need...

Canine Distemper and Rabies

 What is distemper? What is rabies? Is there a difference or are they the same thing? Here I have broken it down for you in Layman's terms: Please note: I did not put ALL the symptoms for rabies on my list. There are two different phases of rabies: Furious and Paralytic. The names pretty much describe the symptoms, both result in death. PRE-EXPOSURE VACCINATION is the only thing that will protect your dog from rabies and distemper. If you think you (or your dog) have been bitten by a rabid animal, wash the wound with soap and water for about 15 minutes immediately. The Rabies virus is very fragile and will most likely be killed by the soap and water before it travels through your body to the brain. BUT, you still need to call your local doctor/ veterinarian for post-bite treatment and protocol.  You don't want to mess around and take chances. There is a Post-bite vaccination for humans, but not for domestic animals. If your dog is not vaccinated, he/she will have to be...

Dogs: Bringing A New Baby Home

  When you bring a new baby home, everything changes. There will be new smells, new routines and a new human being! This can be incredibly overwhelming for our canine family members. Especially, if they were never introduced to babies or small children as a puppy. Dogs, like humans, need time to adjust to the changes, but there are things you can do to help your furry family member transition: 1. Provide your dog the space-- mentally & physically-- to adjust to the new baby: The crate is your dog's best friend. Remember, that dogs are naturally den dwellers. The crate should be your dog's sanctuary & should never be used for punishment. Additionally, when your children are older-- crawling age and up--there should be a non-negotiable rule: Absolutely no (human) children inside the crate. A crate is a place for the dog to escape & find serenity in all the chaos of family life.  2. Before The Baby Arrives-- Train, Train, Train: Teach and/or review basic commands bef...

Dog Park Etiquette

Dog Parks can definitely be a fun place to take your dog for exercise and socialization. But, there is also a certain etiquette that must be followed to ensure you are not "That One Dog Owner" that all the other dog owners are whispering about. Etiquette is also to keep all dogs safe. Here is a list of  "Do's and Don'ts" that will make your trip to the dog park successful and fun. Pick up after your dog! Usually dog parks provide baggies, but sometimes you may need to bring your own. If you are unfamiliar with a new dog park, come prepared! Exercise your dog before going to the park. I know, this sounds weird and you are probably asking yourself, "Isn't the purpose of the dog park to exercise your dog?" A dog park is a place to bond with your dog. If you bring Fido to the park with pent up energy, you are just asking for a doggy meltdown. An overly excited dog + a million other dogs and wide open areas= OVER STIMULATION. A dog park is N...

Canine Yeast Dermatitis

 Yeasts are a eukaryotic, single -celled microorganisms that fall under the fungus kingdom. They are normally present on the skin and in the body-- particularly in the gut where it helps to digest food. Generally, yeast does not cause illness. Yeast Dermatitis, however, is an infection on the skin or ears when there is an abnormal overproduction. It usually occurs in the ears, paw pads or skin folds and is itchy, red and irritated. If left unchecked and without treatment in the ears, it can lead to deafness.  Symptoms: Red irritated skin Itching & scratching The appearance of dark pigmented skin Flaky or scaly skin Sores on the skin Musty Odor Changes in skin texture (aka: elephant skin) Hair loss, bald patches Head tilting and shaking the ears Hearing loss Common Causes: An under active or over active immune system Allergens Food high in sugar & carbs Heat & humidity Poor hygiene Trapped moisture Frequent bathing Swimming A trapped object in the ear, ear wax or d...

Understanding a Dog's Senses

Humans and dogs have the same senses: hearing, touch, sight and smell. But, it pretty much ends there in regards to equality. A human generally uses their senses in this order: hearing--> seeing--> smelling--> touch. Whereas a dog uses them in this order: smelling--> seeing--> hearing--> touch. In this post, I am going to break down each sense and describe the variations between a human and a dog. The Nose:  A dog's brain is about 1/10 the size of a human brain, BUT the part of the brain that controls smell is about 40 times larger in a dog than human. Pretty impressive, right? Depending upon the breed, A dog's sense of smell is 1,000- 10,000,000 times stronger than a human's. Dogs have about 125-300 million scent glands compared to a humans measly 5 million. Dogs can smell things that humans can't even fathom.... like emotions. We humans usually rely on our sight to tell us the subtle clues of how a person is feeling. Though, we can easily be t...

Dog Toy Safety

Let's face it, dog toys are fun for you and your dog. But they are not only fun, but they are also a necessity. Toys provide comfort and fight boredom in your dog. They can also be used in training to provide mental and physical stimulation to ward off undesirable behaviors in your beloved four-legged family member. When dogs are not provided toys in the household, they will often find other objects to use as toys. Often, the items they choose will be things that you do not want destroyed or huge safety risks. There are many toys on the market and some of them are perfect for a canine. Other toys can be a waste of money or downright dangerous for your dog. So, how do you as a canine owner, wade through the endless rows of dog toys to find the perfect one for Fido? Let's start with safety: Making Toys Safe: Size is important. Make sure the toy cannot be easily swallowed or lodged in your dog's throat. When choosing a toy, you must take into account your dog's si...

Seasonal Allergies in Dogs

It's that time of year again: Everyone is walking around with tissues in their hands and pockets, eyes red and puffy, and in a Benadryl coma. ALLERGY SEASON. Humans are not the only ones to suffer. Dogs can too. Dog's exhibit seasonal allergies a little bit different than humans. Their symptoms are generally skin issues: allergic dermatitis. Your dog will be ITCHY. Fido will be scratching excessively, biting and chewing on spots of the body and rubbing against surfaces.  You may also notice that your dog's ears are chronically infected with rashes, yeast and bacteria. This will cause your dog to be constantly scratching the ears, head shaking and there will be hair loss around or on the ear.  Hot spots: These are localized areas of the skin that become red, scabby and infected.  Generalized redness: Puffy eyes, red oral tissue, red chin, red paws... Allergies are an immune system response. Canine's with an already weak immune system may develop respiratory issues ...

Purebred vs. Shelter Adoption

The time has come where you are thinking about adopting a dog into your family. One of the big decisions is whether to adopt a shelter dog or a purebred dog. There are pro's and cons for both sides and some individuals can have very strong opinions one way or the other. I am going to lay out the basic pro's and cons for both sides in Layman's terms without veering into the opinion category. Basically, what it all comes down to is genetics. A purebred dog will have a high chance of being predictable in behavior and physical appearances. After all, that is the whole philosophy of breeding animals. Certain dogs are "hardwired" for certain work behaviors and energy levels. If you are going to adopt a purebred, you must make sure you DO YOUR RESEARCH on that specific breed and provide a living environment that caters to their genetic tendencies. Purebred dogs also will have a higher likelihood of having health problems. The genetic breeding for physical appearanc...

How To Train Your Dog Not to Jump on People

Training your dog not to jump on you and other people is a hard one, because it goes against their natural instincts. Dogs greet other dogs nose to nose. When your dog is jumping up at you in greeting, it's because they are trying to reach your nose! But, what can start out as cute puppy behavior, can become downright dangerous if not dealt with at the beginning. Dogs that jump up on people can cause serious injury. What can start with a mild scratch or bruise can turn into someone getting knocked down. So, it's best to nip that behavior in the butt right away. The first thing you need to do is manage the situation. If your dog is not quite up to par on sitting and/or not jumping, and you are still working on it, find a way to  "avoid" the situation when visitors are coming over. Some alternatives to having your dog jump on people: Crate Put your dog in another room Restrain your dog on a leash Even if your visitor says they don't mind your dog jumping...

How To Stop Your Dog From Barking in Four (patient) Steps

Whether it's the mailman, the neighbor walking his dog by your fence or a deer in your back yard, excessive dog barking can bring anyone down to their knees in frustration. Here are four steps you can take to bring a little peace and quiet into your home: Make sure your dog is exercised . A lot of doggy mischief can be avoided by simply making sure your dog is properly exercised, mentally and physically. When your dog has extra energy, he needs to find an avenue to release it. He's bored! This results in behaviors we owners may not find endearing. By making sure your dog is getting physical and mental exercise everyday, you are releasing that pent up energy and helping your furry friend live a balanced life.    Stay Calm . You are not helping the situation by yelling "STOOOOPPPP!!!!" or "KNOCK IT OFF!". Remember, dogs do not speak human. If you are yelling at them, all they hear is you barking along with them. They think everyone is joining in on the ...

Why Does My Dog Stink?

Dogs and "smell" seem to go hand in hand, but when is your dog's smell so pungent and bad that it borders on abnormal? First, let's explain that dogs do not sweat like humans through their skin. Most of the perspiration happens through their paws. There is a tiny bit of perspiration that happens through their hair follicles, but it's limited. The main way dogs regulate their body temperature is through panting. Which is why you should avoid taking your dog on major hikes on hot, hot days! All healthy dogs may smell the same to us humans, but in fact, each dog has it's own individual smell. A dog produces it's individual scent by secreting oil through it's skin, hair and glands. So yes, your dog when healthy, will  have it's own "dog smell". But if the smell is SO BAD it borders on something died, you may want to seek out what could be causing it. Something in fact did die and your dog rolled in it. This is the most obvious conclusio...

Treating Burns on Dogs

It happens to the best of us, even your four-legged companion-- BURNS. They hurt and are a nuisance. Before you treat a burn, you should know what kind of burn you are treating and how to deal with it. There are three types of burns: heat induced (sunburn, hot liquid, oven, ect...), chemical burns and electrical. There is also three different types of severity in burns: first, second and third-degree. First-degree burns are superficial. They only affect the topmost layer of the skin. The skin will look red, like a sunburn. There will be no blisters. Second-degree burns produce blisters and the skin may look "wet". Third-degree burns involve complete destruction of the skin layers. Areas may look black and charred. The treatments I have outlined below are for first-degree burns. Dogs with second and third-degree burns should always go to the vet. Infection can sneak up quickly and proper treatment should be administered right away. With all types of burns, you should always ...

Dealing With Food Aggression

Food aggression is a form of resource guarding in which a dog becomes defensive and uses threats, like growling, to force other animals or humans away from a food source. If not dealt with, it can lead to a bigger problem of being possessive of everything-- toys, beds, treats, food, ect... Before I begin on the steps that dog owners can take to deal with a food aggressive dog, I should lay down a common ground rule for all dogs--> Humans (including, and especially, children) should never mess with a dog while its eating. This includes the common myth of making a dog eat out of it's bowl with your hand in it. There are three levels of food aggression: 1. Mild-- a dog will show it's teeth and growl. 2. Moderate-- a dog will snap and lunge. 3. Extreme-- a dog will attempt to, and/or maybe succeed, at biting another animal or human. If you are a dog owner that has a dog with extreme food aggression, your best measure is to get an expert to help you with the problem. Do...

Fence Running In Canines

 We all know "that one dog" (or maybe you own that dog) that consistently runs the fence line barking and growling at everything on the other side of the fence. It can be exasperating for everyone involved. If it's a person walking their dog on the other side of the fence, they are probably dreading EVERY TIME they have to walk by because it causes extreme stress to their dog and...well, it's just plain rude. To the dogs running up and down the fence, most of the time the owners don't realize that this "harmless behavior" can actually spiral into a myriad of unwanted canine behavior. All dog breeds have different needs when it comes to exercise. Some need more and some don't need quite as much. BUT, all dogs need to be exercised. If they don't get their mental and physical exercise, they will eventually have to release their pent up energy and usually it will be with some unwanted behavior. Fence running can be one of those behaviors. If it is...

Canine Dental Care

Periodontal disease can lead to a number of health issues. Yes, it will cause tooth/gum infections and tooth loss which is painful for your dog. But, the mouth is the entrance to your body and when it is not healthy, it leads to other health problems such as kidney, heart and liver damage. 80% of dogs by the age of three have some sort of dental disease: gingivitis, halitosis, tumors, cysts and periodontal disease. Symptoms of Periodontal Disease: Red and Swollen gums Bad breath Excess drooling Tartar build-up Tooth Loss Prevention Includes: Weekly lip and gum examinations Dental vet check-ups Dental chews ....And...Yes.... Bi-weekly teeth brushing!   Brushing our Canine's teeth is something most of us disregard as important, but can play a key role in preventing health problems. It can be a simple process once your furry friend gets used to it (It's easiest to start the habit when they are puppies). You should never use human toothpaste, because it contai...