Plantain Fritters.... and Photo Contest Winner!!!

The temperatures have dropped again. It's cold outside. One of my favorite comfort foods that are easy make are Plantain Fritters (Yep, your dog can eat them too!.. in small quantities). Plantains are those "giant bananas" you see in grocery stores. Here are the ingredients:
  •  1 cup of flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp of baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp of salt
  • 2 ripe plantains (you can also substitute bananas. Today, I used one plantain and one banana)
Throw all of the ingredients into a food processor and puree. Then fry the batter by dropping spoonfuls of the batter into heated vegetable oil (or any oil of your choice).

To flip them, I use a fork as a spatula.

 Once done, I take them out of the oil with a pair of tongs and place them on a paper towel to absorb some of the extra oil.

 This is my dog version with no extra thrills.

And these are for me. I sprinkle powdered sugar on the top. As sides, I like to dip them in my homemade cranberry sauce or the whiskey marmalade my husband brought back from Ireland. You should  not give your dog all these extras. Keep them simple and plain for Fido... and try to limit the quantity eaten in one sitting since they are fried!

... and last, but not least... THE JANUARY PHOTO CONTEST WINNER GOES TO....

Hardi's "Selfie"!!! 

The Bark City Employee that took this picture won a gift card to Rib and Chop House. February's photos are already starting to be posted! Be sure to vote on your favorite picture via Facebook. The employee whose photo wins will get a gift card to a local business!!


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