Maple Bacon Kong Filler

Maple. Bacon. Ice. Cream.

This recipe is adapted from  Apron Strings. The Apron Strings version is for humans. My version is for canines. It is dairy free and has two ingredients that are considered "super foods": Coconut and maple syrup.

  • Coconut oil has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antimicrobial properties. That is a lot of "anti". Because of this, it can support your canine against illness and help speed the healing process. You can read more about it here. (and all the other amazing health benefits.)
  •  Maple syrup is rich in Manganese, zinc and natural antioxidants. It also has a lower Glycemic Index than regular sugar. But let's face it, sugar is sugar and it's not entirely good for dogs. They should only have it occasionally. So, this recipe is a sometimes treat. Do not try to substitute with artificial sweeteners--which are poisonous to dogs.
Adapted For Dogs--Maple Bacon Kong Filler
  • 1//2 lb of bacon
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 can regular coconut milk
  • 1/4 c. maple syrup
  • 1/4 tsp of kosher salt
  1. Fry bacon until it is crisp and brown. Let cool and then crumble. Set aside. 
  2.   You want the coconut milk to heat up, but you do not want it to boil!
You can also get creative with this recipe and put it in ice cube trays. Or, you can skip the whole kong hassle and just give them a bit in their bowl. It will probably not last as long as it would in a kong, though! Remember: because this recipe contains a bit of salt and some sugar (maple syrup), it should be a "sometimes" treat! I hope your dog enjoys!


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