Aussie Naturals Pet Toys

Our next toy review is Aussie Naturals. Above is a short video highlighting all the varieties of toys the dogs will be playing with this month at the daycare. Stay tuned, because at the end of the month, we will review them again with our thumbs up or down on the durability and fun-factor of each toy.

There is not much information about Aussie Naturals on the world wide internet. I think this is because they were acquired, along with Outback Jacks and Wild Eats, by Hyper Pet last year. I have written to Hyper Pet to request more detailed information about these products and hopefully, I will have the information by the end of the month! What I do know is that these toys are designed and manufactured to be safe, durable and sustainable. They are made from materials such as: natural rubber, jute, cotton, coconut fiber and leather.

Here are a few pictures of the dogs in action these last few days (They were introduced to the dogs on June 1st.)

If you would like to see more of our dogs in action and other reviews we will be doing each month, you can always follow our Facebook page. We also have Instagram! Last month, we tested and reviewed Aikiou and Animaganza. You can read our verdict ---> here.


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