Thursday, October 6, 2022

Rest: Why It's Important for Canines

REST! It's underrated. Over the years we have changed our nap schedule numerous times and have learned this is a very important part of the program. All of our daycare options have a nap program. We understand owners want a tired dog after a day of play with their buddies. BUT, it's important that exhaustion is not the only measure of success when you bring your dog for a play session. Our approach to your dog's day in off-leash play is to balance physical exercise, mental activities, and rest periods. All three are equally important components to keeping your dog safe and healthy when socializing with other dogs.

Physical exercise is the most obvious benefit of off-leash play. It's what most pet parents think about when they drop their dog off. But for your dog's health, we also consider it important to provide mental stimulation, which allows your dog to think and use the brain during the day. Mental work builds confidence and self-control in your dog. Like play time, it will also cause your dog to be tired. Your dog will need rest in order for the brain to process all that is learned. This is why we include rest periods as an important component of our health and safety program for your pet. Dogs that get overly tired are less tolerant and more grumpy (just like humans!) which increases risk of injury.

Research studies report that dogs need 12-18 hours of sleep per day. Dogs that require amounts on the higher end of the scale include:
  •  Puppies
  •   Senior dogs
  •  Giant and large breeds
  •  Dogs in active households or with extreme exercise routines
  •  Dogs that attend dog daycare multiple days per week or are staying away from home for long periods of time. 
  •   Dogs participating in sports like agility, fly ball, or rally-o.

Sleep habits of dogs also differ from humans. Napping on and off during the day is a normal pattern for dogs.  We offer formal rest periods during play visits to mirror a canine's normal pattern and to allow dogs to reach deeper sleep levels. Providing a private, quiet area for rest periods allow dogs to reach the restful deep sleep levels they need to stay healthy and happy.

Dogs may take natural rest breaks during our current playgroups, but it is rare that a dog will relax and enter a deep sleep. Most dogs napping in the playgroup are in light sleep and very alert. This allows them to jump up whenever something exciting happens. They do not reach the restful sleep stages needed to keep their brain healthy. In fact, Nineteenth century sleep deprivation studies performed on dogs confirmed degenerative changes in their brains resulted from lack of rest. We include formal rest periods as a part of our play sessions to help ensure the long-term health and mental well being of your dog. Your happy and healthy dog is the most important measure of our success. When it is time to take a nap all dogs will be provided with a quiet, comfortable place to rest. This is a much needed break before starting the next activity. We feel this down time is vital to healthy dogs and helps your dog get used to learning how to relax during the day.

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